Why did I write ‘What You Do Shows Who You Are?
Next month, I’m celebrating a new book release of a book I’ve written for the first time since 2012. And I could not be anymore excited! I’ve just finished writing a new book called ‘What you do shows who you are: The 6 Marks of a Disciple of Jesus.’ The genesis of the book is actually quite interesting. Back in 2016, I led a Men’s Bible study at the church we were at then, and I decided to create new material to teach the men. At that time, I was just feeling led to create new resources that were a catalyst helping Christians find Great Commission fulfillment. As I surveyed the church landscape, I was seeing a lot of activity, but far too many people in the pews that didn’t know or believe that it was their job to make disciples and be Jesus’ witnesses. So I decided to take a step back and ask Why? Why were they not motivated to share the gospel with their neighbors and friends? Why did they not think that the work of reaching the unreached was not their job? The answer to that question is a complicated one (and one I hope to explore with you on these pages!), but suffice it to say that if one is a fully devoted follower of Jesus, they WANT to share Christ with others. They can’t help it!
So as I was praying through what to teach the men, God led me to take a ‘step back’ with the thesis that if you teach the men how to be fully devoted followers, they will want to find how God wants them to fulfill the Great Commission. So I wrote a study that the Men could use to assess their own walk with Jesus and course correct as necessary. The initial study went really well, and I was preparing to write and teach a new study for the men on the 6 Marks of the Man of God. This idea of a course correction course for Christians on the 6 Marks of a Disciple stayed with me and after teaching the same course a couple more times (including once in India), I felt prompted to take that study and turn it into a book/workbook that Christians worldwide could use to assess their walk with Jesus.
Once it is released, those of you who know me will see that it is a book that represents my heart to help people grow spiritually well. Each chapter has a short chapter to read, then 8 discussion questions that one can go through with their small group or Sunday school class. It is a book best utilized with a group of people! There is also a number of resources in the back of book that one can use to help them ‘fill in the gaps’ in their walk with Jesus. For example, if you have never learned to share your testimony, that is the story of how you came to Christ, there is a two page worksheet to help you learn how to tell your story well. Finally, there is a Leader’s Guide in the back of the book as well to help those leading their groups through the book with some additional questions they can ask and teaching suggestions to help the leaders lead like a pro. I can not tell you how excited I am for it’s release! It is a project that I have come to really love and I am already praying for all those who use it and see God working through it.
In future posts, I’ll go through the 6 Marks and make some comments about each one. I appreciate you all and I’m looking forward to interacting with many of you over the new book!